Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Eggs Eggs Eggs!!

Easter was SO much fun this year!!!! Saturday night we had a cookout with Andrew, Justina, Payton, Reese and baby Avery (still in Justina's belly). The girls all had so much fun...they are all practically sisters!

Easter Sunday we all packed up and headed for Huntsville like we do every year. And i can easily say this was the most fun we have all had in a long time!! After a wonderful lunch we all decided to play games!!! We did egg tosses, relay races and we played leap frog. It was HILARIOUS watching everyone!!! Mema and Pa even let us blind fold them while we guided them with our voices!! I will never forget this Easter!

Mema and Pa

sister love

our family (except Morgan)

dont ask

Mema and Pa blind folded!

Carlee and Aunt Jane

leap frog!!

Pa can probably outrun me and he is 79

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