Saturday, April 28, 2012

What's wrong with my baby?

After our visit to Doctor Wiley Monday I thought my baby girl would be getting better in just a few shorts day. The opposite has happened, she has been getting worse

Her fever has been up to 102.9
She coughs so hard so throws up
She has no voice anymore
Her nose is still running
She isn't sleeping at night
She cries screams 24/7

I took her back to the doctor yesterday, not knowing what in the world was wrong with her. When her doctor saw how sick she was, he immediately checked her ears again. Strangely...they were clear. The antibiotics she was on must have worked, but why was she still so sick??

Puzzled, he said he needs a few drops of blood from her finger just to check things out a little further. The finger prick wasn't to bad, and a few short minuets later he came back to tell me her white blood count was up. Knowing how much my precious little baby hated being at the doctor {she screams from the moment they call us back} he said he was about to make her very unhappy. He needed to get a blood and urine sample. With her being only 10 months old, the only was to get a urine sample was to use a catheter. The blood draw is just like a blood draw for adults with a needle in the bend of your arm. 

When the nurses came in to do the dirty work, I had to help hold her arms down during the catheter...that's when I started loosing it. I couldn't handle the pain she was in! When they were done with the catheter and ready for the blood draw I just stood in the corner of her room crying. One nurse practically had to lay on top of her to get her to be still while they got her blood sample. 
{The nurses were wonderful and did things so quickly and smoothly, it was just so hard to watch that as a mother}

With all of those traumatic events over, she had to get a shot of antibiotics. Then we were sent for a chest x-ray.  Her x-ray results came back later that afternoon, and luckily they were clear...that means no pneumonia. Now we are just waiting on her blood and urine results to come back, which will hopefully be Monday morning.

My little angel needs lots of thoughts and prayers!!    

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