Sunday, August 28, 2011

Everything tells a story

This morning I decided to do a little creative photography. My little sidekick Carlee decided to be my helper with my task, and we ended up getting an amazingly beautiful picture of her out of it!! We just walked around in our backyard and looked for beautiful things that could tell a story. Every person thinks of something different when they look at a picture, and I wanted to make you think this morning about what story each of these objects tell. My absolute favorite is of Carlees little feet on top of the washtub that she uses to get on her trampoline. Those little feet have carried her so many places in her short 4.5 years of life, but I cant even imagine all the places they will carry her in her future. Hopefully they will keep her on a path of righteousness, but I know they will lead her down the wrong path more than once. I can only pray that the wrong path will be short, and those little feet will jump off of it and run as fast they will carry her to the path that will allow her to live a long, happy, healthy life full of love!!!


wasp nest i found!

looks like the wood is crying

lost ball...found (under the porch)

my minnie mouse watch (that wasnt supposed to be played with)         

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