Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sleeping Beauties

As I was doing my morning chores around the house I realized this was the most "free time" I get to myself. The girls are both still sleeping, and here I am running around doing chores, when I need to sit back and take some time for myself. I LOVE to read, so I sat down and picked up on a book that I put down a while ago. Well...I should have never stopped reading it in the first place because I can barely remember what happened in the beginning of the story. Oh well, thats the story of my life right?
So since my whole relax and read a book idea was kinda a flop, I decided to peek in on the girls and check on them. Look at what I found!

Dont they look like angels? I just sat in my room and watched them sleep for 20 minuets. As I was sitting there I figured that I really dont need a lot of free time for myself. My beautiful little girls are my whole world, and they fill my day with laughter, love (and sometimes frustration). I would get SO bored without them, and while my little 15 mins alone in the shower wouldnt seem like free time to many people out there, that is really all the time I need. I want to be the mom that is there for them no matter what, and not always out with their friends, partying, shopping, or at the salon. Life is so much bigger than the materialistic things, and your children are only little once. You will never ever get that precious time back. Ive decided to make the most of my time with them, and fill their lives with love and teach them live a Christian life. Thats what my parents did, and I wouldnt have Carlee and Bailee raised any other way. They are so beautiful, inside and out, and thats how they need to stay forever. I love them with all my heart!!!

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