Sunday, September 25, 2011

Funnel Cakes at the Fair

Its time for the county fair again in Hamilton County!!

Me and my little family went yesterday and it was so much fun!! There were petting zoo's, pony rides, slides, PIGGIES {carlee's favorite}, funnel cakes, drinks, crafts, entertainment and all kinds of other fun things to do. Carlee loved it and Bailee was so good the entire time! Some of our best friends {Misty and Kristen} came with us too, so we all had a blast! Here are a few pictures of our amazing day!!

beautiful picture!!

sheriff's dept horse

i forced a kiss on her

me and Misti

can you tell she liked the funnel cake??

i had to sneak in a few good pictures of the decorations
 I hope everyone that went to the fair had as much as we did {except for standing in line waiting for the bus to get back home}!!!


  1. I love these! Especially the one of you and David!

  2. haha he didnt want his picture taken AT ALL...but i forced him into it.
