Monday, October 24, 2011

Bicycle and a Bumble Bee named Berry

Wow there is a lot of B's in that title!
Bicycle and a Bumble Bee named Berry.

My big girl FINALLY learned how to ride her bicycle this weekend, thanks to help from her amazing daddy! She got it as a Christmas present almost 3 years ago, and has tried to ride it all alone numerous times. Sadly, she got really scared when she fell off of it last summer {and hurt her knee pretty bad}...and has acted like it was the plague. 

This weekend she found some courage somewhere though, and hoped up there like a trooper and was determined to learn. 

With her helmet in place, and daddy close by, she started pedaling...and before she knew it David was still standing by the stop sign and she rode all the way to our driveway!!!!
While this may seem like no big to everyone else, this is a HUGE milestone for Carlee {and us}!! Im so incredibly proud of my daughter! GO CARLEE!!!

I am almost forgetting an important part of our day...the bumble bee named Berry!

Just a quick fact about case you dont know me that ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of bees...which makes Carlee scared of them too. I know I know, I should have never acted scared around them so Carlee wouldnt be scared to, but I literally can not help it. My fear of bees is so bad that I would jump out of my Jeep {even if I was on the interstate} if one somehow got inside. Pitiful right??

Well, Carlee found a bumble bee outside, and to my surprise she wasn't scared. After close observation she noticed that one of his little wings was missing. {I guess she thought a bee with a missing wing cant hurt her} Before long, she was trying to pick him up with a piece of paper, and even named him Berry. When it was time to come inside for the day, she blew him a kiss goodbye, and said the animal would fix him right up. Since he was missing when we went back out to look for him she told me that he was flying somewhere with his family, that his wing was all better now. {SO SWEET}

Berry the bumble bee

Carlee holding Berry

With Berry now flying around with his own family, I told my own family it was time for some pictures! {big surprise there huh} I love them so much, and don't know what I would do without them!!!

big smile from Bailee


daddy love!

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